Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ho Kuang Yap on another great year ahead

Today is just 2 days from Malaysia's Birthday (National Day) but it is also the day of our Ho Kuang Yap's another year of celebration, for another year of accomplishment and another coming year of more hard work and greater success.

Let us all cheers for our ever handsome and ever calm and thoughtful Ho Kuang Yap, and wish him all the best in the coming year of challenges, rewards and happiness for him as well as for all at home too. Big Cheers!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Happy Birthday to Whang Nee!

First day of the month of August is a unique day for Lim Whang Nee, as he celebrates another great year on planet earth. Let's wish him all the best on this wonderful day, and pray that he will have many many more of this day coming his way in future!